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C.F. Møller Architects

First answers to possible questions

1. Why was the #NextGenSportsEducation project founded?

#NextGenSportsEducation is an innovative project that aims to combine high-performance sports with top-notch academic education. The goal is not only to foster elite athletes but also to promote the positive effects of physical activity, healthy nutrition, and related values across society.

2. What does “We educate the winners of tomorrow” mean?

This slogan emphasizes our commitment to developing young people into well-rounded and successful individuals. This encompasses both athletic and academic achievements as well as the development of essential life skills.

3. Who is behind the project?

We are a team that combines expertise in education, project development, fundraising, sports management, and corporate governance. Above all, we are individuals passionate about the physical activity, health, and personal development of our children. More information about us can be found here.

What type of school are we planning?

We are planning a non-profit, state-approved gymnasium. Our students will be able to obtain either the ‘Realschulabschluss’ or the ‘Abitur’ (potentially the International Baccalaureate in the future).

5. What does “Sports Gymnasium” mean?

We plan to have two general sports classes and two elite sports classes per grade level, with the following focuses:

Elite Sports Classes: Support for promising talents who want to harmonize their academic education with an intensive sports career.

General Sports Classes: Support for sports-enthusiastic children who enjoy physical activity and want to give greater importance to sports, health, and innovative teaching methods in school.

6. What are the admission criteria?

Elite Sports Classes: Talents = Recommendation from local clubs & associations (possibly national team membership).

General Sports Classes: All children and adolescents from Geretsried and the surrounding area; grade average and proof of active participation in a sport, possibly a sports test.

7. What educational approaches does the sports school follow?

We utilize the latest teaching methods and technologies to enable flexible and individualized education. Our goal is to highlight the strengths of students and create a positive learning atmosphere.

8. How does the sports school promote personal development?

We place great emphasis on imparting a strong value foundation that includes self-confidence, willingness to perform, responsibility, team spirit, empathy, and resilience.

9. What is a typical daily schedule for students?

A typical day is a balanced mix of training, academic courses, and free time. We ensure a structure that promotes self-organized learning and training while allowing ample space for relaxation and personal development.

10. Which sports are promoted?

Our school is open to a wide range of Olympic and Paralympic sports.

11. Who is responsible for sport-specific training?

The sporting competence and responsibility, including sport-specific performance training, remain with the clubs and associations.

12. How does the school support young talents?

The school facilitates the optimal balance between school and sports through flexible schedules, individual support, and alignment of the academic curriculum with training and competition plans.

13. What support do young talents receive besides regular classes?

We offer comprehensive support, including mental training, nutrition coaching, as well as regenerative and physiotherapeutic measures.

14. What role does nutrition play at the sports school?

Our school promotes a conscious and healthy nutritional style through special teaching units and offers freshly cooked meals from regional products in the school cafeteria.

15. What benefits does the sports school bring to the community?

The sports school promotes social interaction and integration in the city, creates jobs, and attracts investments. It also improves educational and sports infrastructure, encourages healthy lifestyles, and enhances the quality of life for citizens. Overall, the school increases the city’s reputation and attractiveness both nationally and internationally.

16. How can I learn more about the project or get in touch?

We look forward to your message at

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